Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Baby #2 Born

Baby girl #2, daughter of the second kidnapped brother, was born two days ago. Her and her mother are doing well, as well as the wife and daughter of a kidnapped father/husband can be. I dreamt last night that Bushra saw her husband in the steet the other day, and she told him that his first born had come to the world two days ago. He told her, "I'll be back really soon, next week"- and then went away. I hope this dream comes true, and that I can rejoice with his family over his return. Aameen.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hope it was before fajr that you saw that dream inshaAllah.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Let's paint this on every wall.

Revenge is the fuel for the fires of Hell
thus Satan fears forgiveness
because grace not only quells his flames
it weakens his dominion

Anonymous said...

Who are these strange people who come and comment on here? In any case, I hope you're dream comes true, too.