Monday, September 27, 2010

Why Do We Only Post Bad News?

It's been a long time... My hubby has left his permanent job in Baghdad but frequently travels back for work.  He's there today and called me to ask about my sick father who I'm spending time with at the hospital.  I was telling him all about my news and chiding him for not calling me ten times a day to ask about my father.  And then he told me, "You didn't ask me about my news." 

I felt a tiny bit bad and asked him about his news.  His former driver, Ali, who still helps him out on occasion, went out last night to take a sick neighbor's child to the hospital.  On his way back (late at night) and near a Badr check point, a car with flashing lights pulled up next to him and shot him in the face.  The police at the check point started chasing the car and shooting at it, and were able to keep its inhabitants from letting loose any other shots. 

Ali, father of two little kids, is in stable condition in the hospital.  Allah yishfeeh. I have no idea as to the extent of the gun shot damage.  I know this guy. He drove me to the few prenatal visits I had when I was in Baghdad, pregnant with my second daughter.  I hope him a full recovery with no side effects.